WELCOME TO THE Mental Health Fun Fair 2020!

Mental Health Fun Fair 2020


Great Talent and Tons of Original Music!

Fresh sounds and great energy by local artists and talent all in the name of mental health. You don’t want to miss this!

Mental Health Life Hacks & Pro tips

Great content, tips and tools you can you use right at home, RIGHT NOW! 

Follow us on IG @mentalhealthfunfair

MHFF 2020

sept 21

streaming right here! 


It’s time to take “mental health advocacy” to a whole new level! 

Tune in live for great content, good information, and passionate guests all speaking about mental health. 


Airing here on SEPTEMBER 21st, 2020! 

Be a part of the movement. #beheardbeseenbeshameless!

Spread the word, today! 



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event details

This year the Mental Health Fun Fair Boasts some pretty dope talent all centered around mental health and wellness. Some of our topics, themes, and talents are:

Original Music

All of our musical talent has original music or orignal takes on some songs you know and love. Defintely come and catch a vibe! 


Vibe with us as we celebrate art and expression as ways to support mental health and wellness.

Mental HEalth

Professional opinions given and some amazing coping skills and healing tools that you can use in real time. 

Postive Energy

The event, while an adult event, seeks to bring the feel of positive vibes with some deep topics. All in the name of mental health and wellness.

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